Travel Program

What is each season like?

CVSC fields teams in both the fall (late August through October) and spring (April through mid-June) seasons in the New Hampshire Soccer League (NHSL). Each season typically consists of:

  • Seven or eight weekend games (some home, some away).
  • Two weeknight practices per week
  • Some teams may opt to enter a tournament (usually on Columbus Day weekend in the Fall and Memorial Day weekend in the Spring). Some tournaments may be covered by the registration fee but some might be an additional cost.
What are the time and cost commitments?

In terms of time, players are expected to make every effort to attend practices and games (with the understanding that sometimes conflicts happen). In the event of a conflict, players should notify their coaches in advance. Practices typically last between 60 and 90 minutes (depending on age level and scheduling considerations). Home games are played at Moose Brook Park in Hancock, NH or Peterborough Elementary School and away games can be played anywhere from a 45 to 90 minute (or more) drive away. 

In terms of financial commitments, we strive to keep the registration cost low for our families. Costs can fluctuate from season to season, but generally run $170-$250 depending on the team, 

In certain cases, financial aid and scholarships are available. Contact us for more information.

All players must also purchase a uniform through the team store with their name and number on the back. Players are required to order at least: 

• Navy team jersey
• White team jersey 
• Navy team shorts (Optional for U8-U10) 
• Navy team socks (Optional for U8-U10) 

Most tournament registration fees are covered by the club. Transportation costs are not covered by the club.

What do the age groups mean?

The NHSL follows the US Soccer Birth Year and Season Matrix. According the matrix, a player born in a given year would be eligible to play in the corresponding team, i.e., U9 players are able to “play up” but cannot “play down” into a lower age group.

Where are the home games played?

Home games take place at Moose Brook Park in Hancock, NH or Peterborough Elementary School.

Are there tryouts?

CVSC typically holds spring tryouts in early June for the fall season. Tryouts are for all current CVSC players as well as new players interested in joining the club. CVSC strives to offer two tryout sessions for each age group. Players are required to attend at least one session and are encouraged to attend both. Tryouts are typically publicized in May and interested players must register in advance. For more information on tryouts for the current year, please visit the CVSC registration page.

Talent without working hard is nothing.

Cristiano Ronaldo